One great thing about fashion is that it gives you the opportunity to revive the "old good times". This year for Halloween, I wanted to go back to the 70's wearing paisley prints, bell boot pants, platforms and some right accessories ;)
"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk... I'm a fashion woman, no time to talk"
Algo bueno acerca de la moda es que te da la oportunidad de revivir "los tiempos maravillosos". Este año para celebrar Halloween quise hacerle un homenaje a los años 70's usando estampados paisley, pantalones bota campana, plataformas y algunos adecuados accesorios ;)
Jacob shirt
Americanino jeans
Michael Kors sandals
Dior sunglasses
Banana Republic bag
70's van Courtesy of Pacini Restaurant
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